meet results
Opening height was 6' which would be a PR. shin splints still an issue (which will be rested and STRETCHED over spring break...right?) please come to compete. you looked defeated before your first jump. pole vault is 90% mental. if you're not in it to win it, you will not get far. You are still hesitant of not "making it" to the pit, and because of this you jump to the pit instead of UP. get over the fear and find the confidence this week. Pole vault is difficult, and scary, and crazy, but you chose it because its fun, challenging, and unique. remember that and remember that you CAN do it.
Stephan (12th place)
Please look at the difference between when you jump UP versus OUT... look at the pole bend and its position during those different jumps. Also start to notice how high you are above things when you do jump up. look up videos of the turn over to start to understand the concept. you can do backward somersaults to a handstand for practice, but at the top of the handstand, twist and land the other direction... you have talent, we will find the skill. As far as this competition goes, i thing there were WAY too many approaches made. 2 at this height 3 at this one, 3 here 3 there, by the time you are at new heights, you are too tired to be able to give 100%. i understand that you are new and like the comfort of the lower jumps to feel ok, but we will have to cut a few of those heights out from now on. I would expect that in competition, you can jump at 100% 6-8 times. your opening height should be an easy 1st jump clear. same with the second. your third height should be tied with you personal record, which might take 2 jumps, leaving you plenty of energy for your NEW PR and beyond.
your standards were at 28 and that seemed to work for your jumps... but again its because you were jumping out more than up. they will ideally be at 22-25 when you jump up.
look - you jumped up!
I think your opening height at 9'6 is good. the number of jumps for competition is resonalbel, leaving plenty of energy for the new PR heights. I am proud of your performance on the 150. I know mentally its not your favorite pole, but it takes a lot to come out and be consitstant with many variables. The quicker we can get the pop at the top, the quicker we can get off that pole and onto the 14' or the 13'7. Congrats on reaching the top of a pole! that in itself is a hard thing to wrap the brain around since for the last two years, you have had at least a foot to the top. Be proud. here are your videos followed by bo's run through and then a picture breakdown between the two of you... study it. Standards at 25 through all jumps i believe and it seemed to not be an issue.
BO -
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