Wednesday, August 10, 2011

School begins, Practice changes

ok, the new school year is here and i know a lot of you have other sports and activities that you are involved in. If you are interested in still pursuing pole vault in the off season, a couple of things have to happen:

1. you have to join at this keeps things legal and you eligible for competition during regular season. its 20 bucks i think and good until the season starts in the new year.

2. you need to put on that application that you want to be part of a club: north valley pole vaulters club number 48-0412

3. you need to keep your grades up. i want you to focus on the right things and make sure your priorities are straight.

4. practices will be focused on getting into shape and will be in the pit once a week and in the gym 2 other days with running requirements on off days. I will require two days of running and lifting (one each) a week before i let you jump.

Why the changes?

the club ensures that we are recognized by the state and therefore do not break any of the competition eligibility rules for the spring season

we spent the summer in the pit and i think you all learned a lot about what you can do and what you need to do. With football taking over the field, we will not have the same kind of access to the pit as we did over the summer, and i want to take this time to build up your strength and endurance so that we can exploit the things you have learned. I do not want there to be a point that you say "if only i could run faster" or "if only i was stronger" i want to be ahead of your learning curve so that there is nothing stopping you from achieving greatness.

That being said, i am requiring the run day and lift day prior to jumping so that you have to put in the effort too. i cant have you just coming out once a week to jump and not aiding yourself throughout the week. that will only make you frustrated and not improve.

I hope that you all want to partake in the fall/winter, and if you are involved in another sport or activity, we can work around scheduling and modify workouts, but that is modify, not a pass.

please text me if you have any questions.